Five of Cups

  • Upright Position: Disappointment, Loss, Regret, Grief, Sorrow, Sadness, Mourning, Despair, Unhappiness, Heartache, Letdown, Pessimism, Remorse, Emotional Turmoil, Withdrawal

    In the upright position, the Five of Cups symbolizes disappointment, loss, and sorrow. It signifies a period of grief or mourning, where one may dwell on past setbacks or regrets. This card urges acceptance of the situation and the need to find healing and emotional resolution in order to move forward with renewed hope and perspective.

    Reversed Position: Acceptance, Moving On, Release, Forgiveness, Optimism, Renewal, Perspective, Healing, Liberation, Reconnection, Hope, Finding Joy, Learning, Overcoming, Letting Go

    In the reversed position, the Five of Cups indicates acceptance and the beginning of healing from past disappointments. It suggests a shift towards optimism, renewal, and finding joy despite previous setbacks. This card encourages letting go of remorse and embracing opportunities for growth and reconnection, fostering a sense of liberation and emotional freedom.


Four of Cups


Six of Cups