Eight of Cups

  • Upright Position: Journey, Abandonment, Moving On, Transition, Quest, Exploration, Reflection, Discontent, Search, Detachment, Emptiness, Letting Go, Seeking, Evolvement, Spiritual Growth

    In the upright position, the Eight of Cups signifies a journey of emotional growth and self-discovery. It represents a decision to leave behind what no longer serves one's highest good in search of deeper fulfillment and meaning. This card suggests a period of transition, reflection, and detachment from the past as one embarks on a quest for personal evolution and spiritual growth.

    Reversed Position: Stagnation, Resistance, Fear, Inertia, Refusal, Avoidance, Denial, Unfinished Business, Attachment, Clinging, Reluctance, Regret, Repression, Holding On, Stuck

    In the reversed position, the Eight of Cups indicates resistance to change and a reluctance to let go of the past. It suggests feeling stuck or stagnant, unable to move forward due to unresolved emotions or attachments. This card warns against ignoring inner discontent or avoiding necessary transitions, urging a need for introspection and acceptance to facilitate personal growth and renewal.


Seven of Cups


Nine of Cups